Analystik is 30 years old today. I feel like telling a story; interested?

That’s right, Analystik celebrates its birthday today, that’s 30 years old… not bad, hey?

And still today, Analystik is perfectly aligned with its original mission, that is Custom Software Development but God knows how different we now go about it, in the execution…

When first starting we went from developing self-sustained and task-oriented Dos and Windows applications to Software Suites automating most or all critical business process of organizations to land today into Web and Mobile Web solutions communicating information in real time with systems within organizations.

One could say that the journey was full of obstacles of all kinds (OS, migration, updates, new technologies, etc.,) which were as many opportunities to assert our technological leadership.

Our values, on the other hand, haven’t changed much. They have evolved but they remain as essential as ever to our business offering.

Transparency in all communications, performance in terms of execution which translates into superior quality products generating measurable gains in every mandate and optimal ecological footprint of solutions designed for our clients and by way of strict applications of ecological principles in our daily operations.


Our route

In the last 30 years, Analystik has executed many custom software development mandates for renowned enterprises such as National Bank of Canada, Cascades Group, Bombardier, GE Capital and Laurentian Bank.

In each and every mandate we executed, we have reached or surpassed set targets in terms of productivity or performance gains… In fact, many of the large applications we have developed are still operational and being used by our clients on a daily basis, some for more than 15 years now.


Lesson from an entrepreneur

The best lesson I have learned over the years is that an entrepreneur’s dream is just as wonderful as his team is.

In 30 years, my team “enterprise” had to face its load of storms:

  • The stress and pressure of delays which were most of the time just totally unrealistic
  • The relentless pressure of both software and hardware technology evolution
  • Horror stories of delays and cost exceedings
  • The 2000 bug
  • The fast pace evolution of business needs solutions, from “main frame solutions” when I started to today’s “App Store” applications

Always on the lookout for the latest technologies, for the best software architecture, for the best way to program this and that, Analystik bees have never stopped buzzing in the hive.

On the other hand, for the last 30 years, team “family” has always been supportive, my girlfriend who never complained for the lonely long nights and weekends taking care on her own of children who later have adapted their family life around the constraints imposed by their entrepreneur of a father.


Other lessons from an entrepreneur

  • The entrepreneur always sleeps better with his / her partner by his / her side
  • The major steps forward for every enterprise always come down to the major clients to whom we dared made major pitches
  • The more we are, the harder the management
  • You harvest the dream which you dared to dream
  • When starting an enterprise; the benefit of the group is security

My dream for my enterprise

And today, what am I dreaming for my enterprise? Quite simple!

  • To put into place the right structure to ensure Analystik will keep growing while offering a working environment where it’s good to be and it’s good to work.
  • To maintain an enterprise culture relying on flexibility and adaptability to clients’ needs and technologies.


My dream as an entrepreneur

And today, what am I dreaming for me? How many dreams do I still have to dream? Who knows?

  • After 30 years of turmoils and excitement, having the presence of mind so that this “old entrepreneur” of mine does not become a brake to my business’ future and to have the wisdom to put into place key people and strategies so that Analystik may keep going down its road.
  • To remain lucid enough so to remain a good leader and noticing when I am not.


Michel Martel, PDG Analystik


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