digital transformation

SaaS vs Custom Made Software

The debate between adopting Software as a Service (SaaS) and investing in custom-made software is a pivotal one for businesses strategizing their digital infrastructure. Each option presents a unique set of advantages and challenges that can significantly impact the operational efficiency, scalability, and financial planning of an organization. 

SaaS, cost effective and scalable 

The SaaS solution often comes with a lower total cost of ownership compared to traditional software, eliminating the need for substantial upfront investments in development, infrastructure and maintenance. 

The SaaS software providers handle maintenance and updates, ensuring that businesses always have access to the latest features without additional costs or effort. 

Scaling up or down can be as simple as changing the subscription plan, providing businesses with flexibility to adapt to changing needs. 

They may not offer the same level of control or customization as custom software, which can be a significant drawback for businesses with specialized needs.  (more…)

performance en tout temps

Life is short or when reality hits you hard!

Life is short and passes like a train or when reality hits you hard. You can burn the candle at both ends and play with fire even with the best of intentions.

I got quite a slap in the face recently; a good one I might add. One of my good cycling buddies, of my age (60’s), with whom I ride between 1000km and 2000km per year, died.

It gave me a chill…


What is your situation, really?


.Net bootcamp in Montreal

Finding new developers has always been a big challenge for tech companies. There are not that many developers who are looking for jobs at the moment your company look for a new recruit. From that small number of developers out there, just some of them have knowledge or experience with technologies you use in your projects. Lots of students and graduates are looking to get to the job market fast and start a successful career. Getting the goal oriented, intense education and hand on experience is why they look for a bootcamp. There are just a few bootcamps in Montreal and they teach a limited number of technologies. You will get disappointed after a quick research for bootcamps and training programs for .Net technologies.


Logo d'Analystik en cire pour cacheter une lettre

Back to the essential; Analystik revisits its corporate identity!

Analystik has come a long way since the creation of its last logo in 2005; several clients have joined the portfolio, including Laurentian Bank, Hitachi Capital Canada and Wells Fargo. And many things have changed in 10 years but our corporate identity…

However, despite the progress made, the different management styles and development methodologies used, the numerous evolutions of systems, frameworks and mobile platforms; our workhorse has always remained the same, the process, and our goal has also always remained the same, quality on all levels.

As a result, when the time came to review our corporate identity, this reflection led us spontaneously to a refreshing approach rather than a recreation process.


Will we save our tech jobs, and avoid turning into the next third world?

You think: come on you! Right? Ok, read on. We live in North America and still think that we have the lead on technology. This creates a safe feeling for our tech jobs. We have exported the manufacturing jobs in Asia because manufacturing became just too expensive and the manpower grew unwilling to work for low wages. We probably also hoped that by creating wealth in a very populated area of the world, we would create a big new customer base.



How to make an iOS 10 iPhone App

Part 1 – The design before Xcode

Here at Analystik, we have done a case study for the creation of an iPhone application using the Xcode development environment. We searched online and couldn’t find a good step by step tutorial of the process, so we decided to create one for you. Here it is ! At first, this part concentrates on the early stages before you get into Xcode, so these steps are the same for an iPhone, Android or Windows (with some differences in the exportation of files).

7 good reasons for the enterprise to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10

Does the enterprise need to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 or from Windows 8 or Windows XP for that matter? It is our opinion that upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 will definitely be a positive experience for the consumer in many regards; but what about your enterprise?

The fact and the matter is, from both a marketing and technology perspective, it seems like enterprises will also benefit of migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10 although it might have immediate repercussions on which Microsoft, apparently, has thought about!

There will be a migration cost in terms of adaptation efforts for the personnel, but also in terms of applications and systems migration and, in terms of application development process changes, which we shall explore more deeply in the next post.

Let us remind that the Windows 8 misfire (and its « metro » display which was meant to be the first serious trial at a standard multiplatform display), combined with the lack of Microsoft Smartphones and BYOD, opened the door to both Apple and Google to bring along massive volume of mobile devices among enterprises. Hence, one might question the true penetration potential of Microsoft mobile devices running on Windows 10?


Analystik is 30 years old today. I feel like telling a story; interested?

That’s right, Analystik celebrates its birthday today, that’s 30 years old… not bad, hey?

And still today, Analystik is perfectly aligned with its original mission, that is Custom Software Development but God knows how different we now go about it, in the execution…

When first starting we went from developing self-sustained and task-oriented Dos and Windows applications to Software Suites automating most or all critical business process of organizations to land today into Web and Mobile Web solutions communicating information in real time with systems within organizations.


10 reasons for users to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8

We have found 10 good reasons for the consumer to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8. As for the upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows XP, read further down below.

In particular…

Of course, one of the major changes for the Windows 7 (and less…) consumer which was used to navigate within a partitioned technology environment;  « Apple iTunes » or « BlackBerry World » or « Google Play » for Smartphone applications and Microsoft for Windows updates and upgrades, was the birth of « Windows Store » that came along Windows 8.


Gulp & Visual Studio

Visual Studio is one of the most popular software to create application or website in .Net environment. This software supports Sass and Less but it doesn’t compile those two languages making them complicated and useless.

In the new version (Visual Studio 2015), Intellisense has not been fixed and still has difficulties to make links between Sass and Less file types.

Even so, the new version of Visual Studio offers some new features that help us with these problems.


How to use Gulp on Mac Windows & Linux

Gulp plugin is a task runner. For example, you can easily: transform your Sass (or Less) files in css files, minify them, using autoprefixer, join them in 1 files, check your JavaScript files with jsLint and much more. If you code a little bit it can be really useful. It is one of my favourite tools for my web site development and it is totally free. It might be a little frightening at the beginning but with some practice and courage, it is easier than it looks.


Sugar Shack

Sugar shack (cabane à sucre) is a tradition in Quebec and Analystik. Every year we make a reservation at one of these beautiful cabins in the woods and have a big meal together. Normally we do it in March but this year a misunderstanding in reservation process postponed our tradition to mid-April. (more…)


Are Tablets finally penetrating the enterprise?

The world changes… mostly due to new technologies proposing or enabling new ways of doing things, new visions of the world!  And that’s the way to look at Tablets which are now standing in between Smartphones and Laptops but will soon stand, in our opinion, above both!

Is your enterprise environmental footprint, green?

I am an SMB owner and like many others, I feel more and more not only questionned but also concerned with the global environmental situation and, honestly, quite worried for my children’s future. As a SMB owner, I want to have a green envitonmental footprint.  So, here it goes…

For more than a decade now, the conssumer has been the target of many awareness campaigns in regards to the environmental impact of his choices and decisions. More so, in recent years, there’s not a month that goes by without having Mother Nature reminding us one way or another that something is not right with the climate and the environment.

It comforts me to think that average Joe has come a long way in terms of awareness of the environmental impact of his every moves and decisions but what about all these SMBs’ owners?  but what is your SMB’s environmental footprint?

The green environmental footprint enterprise – myth or reality?


Obsolete IT applications – issues for entrepreneurs

So let’s jump merrily into the depths of the nightmare of every entrepreneur: IT investment. I say nightmare because it’s a field of expertise for which the vast majority of entrepreneurs have absolutely no basis for appreciation or evaluation.  There is little or no reassurance for a decision-maker faced with a 100, 200, or even $500,000 decision, which choice will likely have a major impact on productivity, thus profitability and the future of the business.

So… to help the entrepreneur in this situation, and I believe there will be more and more who need help in the years to come, because the stakes are the same and are just as important as ever: Business Process Automation, increasing productivity, mobile workforce, accessible information, increased quality of Business Intelligence, improved decision-making processes, integrity and security of company data, etc., all of course with the ultimate goal; increase Profitability and improve Customer Satisfaction.

The Problem
