Microsoft Continuum – The UX counterpart of Universal Windows Platform

Imagine not to need your Laptop with you on the road any more whether for work or in weekend because you can use your Smartphone as a computer PC simply by connecting it to a screen and a keyboard. How about that? Welcome to Microsoft Continuum, the UX counterpart of Universal Windows Platform.

This vision encapsulates the concept of « Mobile Computing » or if you prefer, a « computing experience » in which the user can not only access its information (networks, applications, contents) but also deploy a fully functional working environment, anywhere, on any device.


Microsoft is covering all its bases with XAMARIN to better move forward

Microsoft made quite an important acquisition starting 2016, Xamarin, which reveals the strategic direction the Redmond Giant is taking and how it intends to capitalize on the crossplatform application development concept to materialize its vision!

What is that strategy? Well, Microsoft has created strong versions of Office running on Android, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile, and moreover, it comes up with its Cloud Services, from Office 365 to Azure, presented as a platform for any mobile client rather than just Windows.

Windows 10 is supposed to take us in the era of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), where developers can write but one application and run it on all devices; IoT, Smartphones, Xbox consoles, Tablets, PCs, etc.

So with Xamarin, all of a sudden, the Microsoft can be attractive to more that just .Net / Windows developers but also to iOS and Android developers.


Benefits of UWP Development – Universal Windows Platform

Well, Windows Universal Platform (UWP) should provide all Microsoft aficionados a few very good reasons to rejoice and be happy.

Your enterprise has been relying on Microsoft technologies forever and some of your critical applications are close to life cycle finale or they have been developed with obsolete technologies or maybe some of your data and some of your back-end applications and CRM’s Business Intelligence need to be accessible on different devices!

Then you might be asking yourself if your IT department would profit from developing your new apps under the new Microsoft Development Architecture ; Universal Windows Platform (UWP)?



When should you migrate to Windows 10? Part 2 Users

Evidently, Windows 10 represents a significant technology shift, for both users and developers; so, how can we identify those triggering factors that call upon adapting / adopting rapidly such a new technology paradigm? And when do you know it is time for users to migrate to Windows 10?

Considering the role played by and the scope of investments made in IT systems and applications in terms of competitiveness and growth for the enterprise, there is no doubt that any new or significant technology movement must be taken seriously.

Users… and even more so, users’ satisfaction level towards their Windows 10 experience must be considered as a key factor when assessing adoption and integration of this new technology within the enterprise. Here are a few facts that should be seen as positive alarm triggers for IT managers regarding Windows 10.


Windows 10 Application Development for enterprise – the vision

Here’s an overview of the impacts to come and the vision behind Windows 10 Application Development for enterprise.

The multiplatform vision behind Windows 10 is called, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), and it will have a great impact on Microsoft tools and software users but even more so, for Microsoft application developers.
