When should you migrate to Windows 10? Part 2 Users

Evidently, Windows 10 represents a significant technology shift, for both users and developers; so, how can we identify those triggering factors that call upon adapting / adopting rapidly such a new technology paradigm? And when do you know it is time for users to migrate to Windows 10?

Considering the role played by and the scope of investments made in IT systems and applications in terms of competitiveness and growth for the enterprise, there is no doubt that any new or significant technology movement must be taken seriously.

Users… and even more so, users’ satisfaction level towards their Windows 10 experience must be considered as a key factor when assessing adoption and integration of this new technology within the enterprise. Here are a few facts that should be seen as positive alarm triggers for IT managers regarding Windows 10.


10 reasons for users to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8

We have found 10 good reasons for the consumer to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8. As for the upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows XP, read further down below.

In particular…

Of course, one of the major changes for the Windows 7 (and less…) consumer which was used to navigate within a partitioned technology environment;  « Apple iTunes » or « BlackBerry World » or « Google Play » for Smartphone applications and Microsoft for Windows updates and upgrades, was the birth of « Windows Store » that came along Windows 8.
