Does Cloud CRM systematically answer all your questions / needs?

Many clients from medium and large enterprises that we meet have migrated their CRM in the Cloud or are seriously thinking about it. On the other, and as surprising as it may look, we have also met others who have set a Cloud CRM and are on the verge… of coming down from their cloud!!!  In fact, just recently, while attending the CFO Summit in the USA, we were quite surprised to find out that many enterprises were not that satisfied with a well-known Cloud CRM solution and are seriously looking to a tailor-made CRM solution!

This is the story for this post; why should you migrate to a Cloud CRM and why should you look into a more traditional, some would say a more, personalized solution?

Pros and Cons of Cloud CRM

  • Real-time access to data, « anytime, anywhere », providing that you have an Internet connexion; this could be an unbeatable competitive advantage for your Sales Force or Mobile Workforce
  • Very low initial investment and costs proportional to usage (the SaaS business model)
  • No update fees nor update deployment
  • Easiness of installation, usage and update
  • Well integrated with other web applications web like Social Media
  • The burden of security and backup falls onto the solution provider’ shoulders

Pros and Cons of a Client/Server Solution

  • The solution will be integrated with other systems in place, for example, the accounting system
  • Depending on the chosen solution, it could be integrated with Outlook, widely used among enterprises
  • Important initial investment, but low maintenance and updates costs (no monthly recurrent fees)
  • Highly specialized functionalities much easily integrated; for example, Business Intelligence or Business Rules; contrary to Cloud generic solutions  (one-size-fits-all)
  • Contrary to Cloud solutions, the client is responsible for securing the data but also, he is not depending / relying on his solution provider.  Are your data really or well protected in the Cloud?   On a line or on the air or on servers ?  Depending on the situation, this can either be an advantage or a disadvantage
  • Ad hoc compliance with local data and confidentiality rules (no legal inter-country legal issues, etc.)


  • A Client/Server solution will always be much closely tied to your enterprise business reality
  • For a very large number of users, the Client/Server solution will be generally less costly.  On the other hand, for a small or medium number of users, the Cloud solution is most probably the best solution
  • In terms of deployment and maintenance, the Cloud solution is definitely un « no brainer »

In short, why would anyone want to fly high?  Well, because you are probably already quite light… mobile!   And why would anyone want to keep both feet on the ground?  …or get down from the clouds?  Well, for one, cost is a good reason but mostly for those specific functionalities that bring along high added-value to your enterprise… and that could constitute and provide your business with an incredible (unbeatable!!!) competitive advantage!

Have a good week !

Michel & Denis

Commentaires (2)

  • Benefits of Cloud CRM Over Hosted Solutions:

    1. Faster time to value. No Big upfront costs.
    2. Better accessibility from
    remote locations – Access from home or office.
    3. Very easy to deploy.
    4. Frequent updates – Always Have latest version.
    5. Cost-effective. No Server maintenance or staff required.

    Tony –

  • Benefits of Cloud CRM Over Hosted Solutions:

    1. Faster time to value. No Big upfront costs.
    2. Better accessibility from
    remote locations – Access from home or office.
    3. Very easy to deploy.
    4. Frequent updates – Always Have latest version.
    5. Cost-effective. No Server maintenance or staff required.

    Tony –

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