Opting for the Cloud is opting for service-oriented Application Development

The goals that a company approaches the Cloud with may vary of one thousand one manners, such as its effect on Agility, UX, Cost, Scalability, and Reliability; and they will determine how it will implement its Cloud process and now, strongly suggest implementing a service-oriented Application Development.

The very first decision you should make is whether or not, you’ll go for a Private Cloud or a Public Cloud. More precisely, here is an overview of both characteristics to take into account for your applications and services configuration.

Private Cloud

  • Core: services are for the inside, for a variable demand
  • Stable demand: number of users vary minimally
  • Predictable scalability: following business objectives
  • Geo-locus: hardware, software and data located on the premises
  • Self-multiplexing: tasks and resources management predefined by OS & equipment
  • Cost & Competence: DIY, own competencies and cost known

Public Cloud

  • Context: services are for the outside, for a variable demand
  • Variable demand: number of users and demand requests may vary greatly
  • Predictable variation: following cycles like events, launchings, seasons, etc.
  • Geo-dispersion: hardware, software and data distributed across the Cloud
  • Customer-multiplexing: tasks and resources management defined by the Administrator
  • Cost & Competence: Given, competencies supplied and cost determined by number of users and / or volume of requests


Service-oriented Application Development in the Cloud

If you’re thinking of moving your application development to the Cloud, here are some issues to address before making the move:

  • First, you have to think in terms of « service » : the Cloud is a service thing, you must now execute a service-oriented application development (Cloud Service), not object-oriented
  • The design of the application needs to be “Cloud-minded”; hence, service-oriented:
    • The application must be “stateless” not “state full” (every request must be self contained, resolve itself on its own)
    • The approach for the design should tend towards micro services or small services in order to be able to scale them, if need be
    • The management of the session variables must be replicable or not use at all
    • The data must be in a Cloud Service like Microsoft Azure or at least be “distributable” in order to accept scalability
    • In most cases, the design should aim at supporting many different clients such as Desktops / Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones etc.
  • All scheduled tasks must be re-architectured since a Cloud Server can’t be scheduled like an on-the-premises server



The Cloud offers many advantages but it’s not for every enterprise. Beware of that craving to surf the new wave and even more so regarding large suppliers’ promises; nothing provides better clarity than a cost / benefits analysis before proceeding.

Nevertheless, here are two unmistakeable clues in favor of the Cloud:

  • If, for strategic reasons, your business is opting for a « service » approach to messaging, CRM, accounting, etc., or any other core functionality
  • If you plan or expect important fluctuations, of either growth or cycles of requests volume and / or resource demands

Many companies live and die by the « on the premises » approach, sometimes with good reasons and sometimes not. We shall discuss the reasons, obstacles and prejudices towards the Cloud in the next post.

Denis Paul & Michel

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