10 reasons for users to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8

We have found 10 good reasons for the consumer to upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows 7 and Windows 8. As for the upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows XP, read further down below.

In particular…

Of course, one of the major changes for the Windows 7 (and less…) consumer which was used to navigate within a partitioned technology environment;  « Apple iTunes » or « BlackBerry World » or « Google Play » for Smartphone applications and Microsoft for Windows updates and upgrades, was the birth of « Windows Store » that came along Windows 8.

All of a sudden, the Windows Phone proposal became more plausible, legitimate, especially with the « Touch » positioning of the Windows 8 OS, and the consumer went back to a techno-commercial ecosystem which he was used to. Unfortunately, very few were convinced of Windows 8 benefits, through the Metro user experience and applications tiles display.

Well today, Windows 8 original vision is finally coming to fruition through Windows 10; a real multiplatform user experience and business offering. Let’s see the advantages of such a vision and how this new technological offer takes shape in reality.

Here are 10 good reasons for the consumer to upgrade to Windows 10

  1. It’s free!

It’s true, the new Windows 10 OS is totally free for its first year of existence; no scheme, no trick, no lie. This includes updates, there’s nothing else to say?

  1. Edge, Microsoft new browser

Apart from increased speed, Edge brings along a Swiss knife of digital tools like  Cortana vocal commands integration, a list of unread web stories (pages), integration with Styli for Tablets digital ink and a much more clear and simple interface.

But more importantly, Edge is optimised for the new kinds of user experience:

  • when navigating to mobile web sites and applications
  • when navigating from Tablets and Phones

The enhancement is so important you will probably adopt it as your default browser.

  1. Full Power…

The major part of Windows 10 basic applications like maps, calendar, agenda, etc., come with new functionalities, an enhanced interface and more speed.

  1. START is back

The START button is back with list of programs display and applications’ tile display enabling repositioning and resizing; anything to please old Windows OS aficionados.

  1. Task View packs a big punch!

This new function enable tiles display and repositioning and resizing of applications being actually used; in short, apps are being « windowed ». Gone are full-screen apps and touch-optimised ‘Live Tiles’ of Windows 8; all Microsoft Store apps are now resizable and behave more like traditonal Windows apps.

Moreover, you can create multiple « Desktops » and group your applications by task or utility; a functionality available on many other OS (Linux, Mac OS X, etc.) for a long time.

  1. Cortana is listening

Cortana is a Siri better integrated with the OS and your laptop than Siri (they say…), it can help you manage and envision your Calendar for example or execute a search just like Google Now as well as executing many other vocal commands.

  1. Enhanced user experience

Windows 10 boasts a renewed more homogeneous user experience and better compatibility with other platforms such as tablets and phones.

  1. Integration, you say?

Windows 10 executes a full come back to a Desktop vision and definitely kills the Touch-first vision of Windows 8 which had compartmented Windows parameters. One may see Microsoft OS evolution like this:

  • Windows 7 = Desktop-oriented
  • Windows 8 = Touch-oriented
  • Windows 10 = Desktop and Touch oriented
  1. Microsoft Store

With “Microsoft Store” and Microsoft applications now available to everyone, the consumer goes back to a familiar techno-commercial ecosystem and a great many will be tempted to go from a compartmented technological environment (iTunes + Windows) to a unified technological environment experience (Windows Phone + Windows). Probably…

  1. XBox streaming

Yes, you will be able to watch and play your Xbox content in streaming directly on your Desktop or Tablet, all you need is to have them network-connected.

Bonus – And why not end Windows 8 ordeal and upgrade to Windows 10?

Windows 8 users do not have, in fact, any one good reason not to upgrade to Windows 10, even more so considering they won’t be confined to a single user experience (Touch) anymore, an ill-advised philosophy for many!

Some statistics from Microsoft as of September 2015:

  • 700 000 applications available in Windows Store
  • 75 millions Windows 10 installations
  • 5 billion Windows installations, all versions
  • 2 billion Office installations, all versions


It is not clear that the upgrade to Windows 10 from Windows XP will run smoothly; in this case, we surely recommend to execute a complete new installation rather than updating!

From our experience, in any case it is better to start anew than an update, so go for a new Windows 10 installation.

Windows 10 installation have been greatly simplified and enhanced, like better pilots integration and updates, among other things.

For laptops and desktops more than 5 years old, you may experience major problems in terms of performance and hardware if installing Windows 10.

Here are 10 free useful tools you should install along Windows 10.

Still not convinced, watch this video:

Windows 10 Key Functionalities


Denis & Michel

For more information, check our Windows development page.

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