Best practices for backing up IT Project Documentation

There are good practices and best practices for backing up IT Project Documenation; just as in everything else.

In the first two posts of this series about IT project documentation, we dealt with the “what” or what to document and the “how” or if you prefer the format you should use.

In this post, we will not discuss the “why” but the “where” to save the documentation.

If you think this post is the poor little brother of the two previous ones, think again. Too often, the IT Project documentation is not consulted because it is not easily or readily accessible and, for the same reasons, the documentation is often out of date.

To determine the right place to save your IT Project documentation, there are 3 factors to consider:

  • What documentation must be made available?
  • Who are the users or readers?
  • What is the frequency of consultation (reading and updating)?


IT Project documentation format; best practices

What is the most appropriate IT Project documentation format? And, what are IT Project documentation best practices in terms of format?

The question may seem strange because, for many, this question does not even arise. But on closer inspection, it deserves to linger; how should I document an IT project and with what type of format?

To highlight the challenge of an IT Project Documentation format, there are three factors to consider:

  • Object of documentation
  • Who is it for?
  • Who is it produced by?
