The 4 fields of Enterprise Agile Transformation

There are countless companies that have started their Enterprise Agile Transformation in recent years. With good reason, because no one would question the benefits of the Agile Method today; this is an obvious fact that is unanimously accepted in all sectors of activity.

So, contrary to what one might think, Agile is not the one who wants!

Not all organizations are ready for Agility considering that this implies giving more autonomy to business units and work teams and creating cross functional teams as well. Moreover, not all business leaders will necessarily welcome Agility with open arms.

Thus, more than processes, the Agile method calls for a work philosophy that encompasses both the personnel and structure of the organization.

The Agile Enterprise therefore calls upon a profound transformation of the organization. This comprehensive transformation will affect all facets of the Organization including Personnel, Organizational Structure, Strategy and Technology. That’s the path to a successful Agile Transformation.


Why proceed with your Enterprise Agile Transformation?

What is Agile methodology?  What are its principles?  What are the benefits of Enterprise Agile Transformation, turning your company in an Agile Enterprise?

The result of a search for continuous improvement in the software development process, the Agile methodology appeared at the forefront of ICT in the late 1990s in response to the excesses of major software development projects in terms of schedule, budget and quality of deliverables.

And this quest for continuous improvement in software development is in fact based on the search for added value for the company (project scope) and the optimization of the performance of software development teams within fixed schedule and costs as illustrated in the diagram below: 

Plan Management vs Value Management


CRM or Clientele Service; that is the question!

What to choose between implementing a CRM system and a Customer Service in terms of development and investment priority? And why should we choose, is not your CRM software the foundation on which Customer Service is based?

And for what purpose do we implement a CRM? To serve Sales and support the growth of the business or to serve the Customer and improve the quality of the Customer Experience? Or to inform Marketing to guide them in the development of new products that meet the new needs of customers and allow the company to increase its turnover?

For all this, right? So, “foundation” is perhaps the key word here!


Custom Software Development is dead. Long Live to Custom Software Development.

Two facts play against custom software development:

  • The market is full of comprehensive software solutions such as Oracle, SAP, IBM, Salesforce, etc.
  • Horror stories are on the side of major software development projects

Considering these facts, over the years companies have chosen to install commercial software solutions (CRM, ERP, accounting software, loan management system, etc.) instead of custom software development.  And in many cases, they replaced a “home” application whose technology was obsolete.

Of course, a lot of time and effort has gone into tailoring these business solutions to “your” reality to turn into customized solutions that really meet your needs. If you encounter one of the two situations below, rest assured, you are not the only one in this situation:

  • You have different systems that do not talk to each other
  • You still have specific business needs that are not met by your commercial software solutions


Business Process Cycle Optimization

At the base of any IT initiative, there is the need of profitability for the company, this is the objective. And this goal is facilitated by IT, mainly through the implementation of more or less automated processes.

Business processes are as varied as there are business sectors and departments in companies. And the role of IT in most processes is mainly driven by automation and optimization. Ranging from the automation of simple and repetitive tasks to that of complex calculations, all running between multiple systems, multiple entities and users; this generates complex processes, often heavy, and not always effective.

In short, there is a need to get back to the basics and re-examine business processes to evaluate their performance; now, more than ever!


Your Digital Transformation Strategy

In a MuleSoft survey of 651 IT decision-makers from enterprises with more than 1,000 employees, respondents said integration was a major barrier to digital transformation.

And organizations have a lot to integrate; on average, companies with more than 1,000 employees use more than 1,000 individual applications in all of their businesses.


Integration between systems, the pitfall of digital transformation

A common way for businesses to connect applications to each other is to custom code their applications and APIs, often referred to as point-to-point integration.

However, for a company with more than 1,000 applications, this level of tight coupling can create problems when changes, evolutions, or updates occur.

IT decision-makers say that on average, only 29 percent of their business applications are currently integrated or connected.


customers or employees

The Challenges of Digital Transformation

Digital disruptions continue to weigh heavily on businesses of all sizes and in all sectors, as consumers, customers, employees and partners now expect everything to be accessible on demand, at all times; in short, everything needs to be fully connected.

If your business is already in tune with the digital age, great!

Otherwise, “it’s time to wake up” because we are no longer in the era “the biggest eats the smallest” but rather “the fastest eats the slowest”.

In this second post, which relates the MuleSoft (Connectivity Report) survey of 650 IT decision-makers from companies, more than 1,000 employees, from the US, Australia, Germany, England, Netherlands, Singapore and China, we will focus on the challenges faced by IT decision-makers in their digital transformation project.


What are your priorities in your digital transformation?

So, do you have a plan? What are your priorities in your digital transformation?

Digital disruptions continue to weigh heavily on businesses of all sizes and in all sectors, as consumers, customers, employees and partners now expect everything to be accessible on demand, at all times; in short, everyone and everything needs to be fully connected.

Beyond customer experience, we are talking here about the global brand experience, regardless of the user’s identity.

To thrive in the digital economy, businesses need to become more agile. They must also develop and market new products and services more quickly.

If your business is already in tune with the digital age, great!

If on the contrary, your company has incurred a technological debt in the last years, “it’s time to wake up or else”. In this post, we report on a MuleSoft survey of 650 IT decision-makers in companies with more than 1,000 employees from the US, Australia, Germany, England, the Netherlands, Singapore and China.


outils documentation

The many challenges of Documentation Generation Automation in a Financing Process

The fact is that legal documentation is one of the main challenges in the process of loan or leasing origination.

The reason is very simple, not only are there many types of contracts, clauses, restrictions and constraints but also, each organization has its own legal texts and especially, its own rules of application.

The challenge of automating the legal documentation of a loan origination process is both a productivity and a financial institution’s profitability challenge as it greatly reduces the financing cycle and the number of loan errors. In addition, automation allows the organization to truly take a digital turn by eliminating paper from the process.


calcul financier

Automate your financing & leasing process to build the most profitable financial scenario every time

In a financing process, the module that supports the creation of quotes plays a big role because most of the work is happening there. If we consider that we win one out of 10 quotes, it is clear that the calculation of these quotes must be fast and flexible.

In general, the financing process goes as follow:

Financing Process Structure

Thus, we will explore in this 2nd post, the functions Automation of Calculations for Quotation, Approval of Credit and Pricing.



The challenges of Commercial Loan Origination Automation

It would be unthinkable today to offer a commercial financing or leasing service and to manually calculate, in real time, the data and amounts needed to generate this financing, especially if we consider all the different levels involved; the sales function, the credit department, the risk department, the administrative services and the accounting for the management of the loan or the leasing, etc.


Intelligence artificielle

Before Thinking Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Think Data Strategy

According to Harvard Business Review, before thinking about AI and Big Data, companies should think Data Strategy because cross-sectoral studies show that, on average, less than half of an organization’s structured data is actively used to make decisions and less than 1% of its unstructured data is analyzed or used.

More than 70% of employees have access to data that they should not, 80% of the time of analysts is devoted to the discovery and preparation of data. Data breaches are common, unreliable datasets are spreading in silos, and enterprise data technology often does not live up to demand.

Having a Chief Data Officer (CDO) and a data management function is excellent but not necessarily possible in all organizations. On the other hand, each organization should, at its level, define a coherent strategy for the governance, analysis and deployment of information assets (data).

In short, a Data Strategy!


Code de data

3 sources of actionable data for the benefit of your company

According to a recent New Vantage Partners study, many large firms are still lagging behind and not making the most out of the 3 sources of actionable data for the benefit of their company. However, everyone is gargling Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in recent years; amazing, no?

Even more, according to another Forrester study, 73% of enterprise data is not used!

The good news is that all companies can still do well with the implementation of a Data Strategy. Especially since the main obstacle to implementing such a Data Strategy is the “People”, according to New Vantage Partners.


Towards a data-driven enterprise culture

Indeed, the same study reveals that for nearly 50% of companies, Personnel is the main source of resistance to change towards a data-driven enterprise culture.


Data Idea

Take full advantage of your business data, an invaluable asset!

While diving in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence is booming, many companies are still struggling to take full advantage of their business data, leaving dormant an underutilized asset with enormous potential.

Which is surprising to say the least since the vast majority of companies have implemented technologies that have accumulated billions of billions of data over the last two or three decades. We are talking about Big Big Data.


Your business data, an underused or underestimated asset?

A recent New Vantage Partners survey of 60 large companies, reviewed by Harvard Business Review, revealed that the majority of these companies have plunged into the world of analytics for a long time but very few have actually implemented a data-driven enterprise culture.


.Net bootcamp in Montreal

Finding new developers has always been a big challenge for tech companies. There are not that many developers who are looking for jobs at the moment your company look for a new recruit. From that small number of developers out there, just some of them have knowledge or experience with technologies you use in your projects. Lots of students and graduates are looking to get to the job market fast and start a successful career. Getting the goal oriented, intense education and hand on experience is why they look for a bootcamp. There are just a few bootcamps in Montreal and they teach a limited number of technologies. You will get disappointed after a quick research for bootcamps and training programs for .Net technologies.
