Disruptions in Banking and Financing on the horizon, brace for impact

Major disruptions in Banking and Financing on the horizon; thanks to new technologies from Big Data Analytics to Mobile Apps that are reshaping this sector at a fast pace, resulting in new ways for companies and customers & consumers to interact, to manage their money and to conduct transactions.

Global investment in Fintech ventures hit $5.7 billion in the first quarter of 2016, and about half the funding went to projects in Asia, primarily in China. “The reason funding is taking off now is that the four platforms – Mobility, Big Data (IoT) and Analytics, Blockchain Technology (Bitcoin) and Machine Learning (AI) – are in their infancy,” said Catherine Wood, CEO of ARK Investment Management (US) at the Annual Meeting of the New Champions in 2016.

The fact is that Banking and Financial Services is one of the largest industries that is still not fully digitalized. In this field of activities, the technological revolution has just begun.

So let’s see what we’re up to and what major disruptions we may foresee.

Overview of upcoming disruptions in Banking and Financing


CTOs and CMOs must create data models to reveal the magic of Big Data

Everybody knows that, Big Data comes with its data cleaning and labeling issues prior to revealing its magic, you have to properly feed the Big Data visualization tools with the right data. That’s for Big Data.

But what about enterprises, what’s their excuses for not making the most of their data and not acting upon priceless customer insights provided by their, who knows, BI experts, Dashboards Metrics, IT Consulting Firm, CRMs, Databases drilling, etc.? None really, considering the incredible technology budgets CMOs have been granted in the last decade or so… because, let’s be honest, the responsibility mostly falls on the shoulders of CMOs, they’re the ones that should be looking for such valuable data to enhance the customer experience and better understand the customer journey.

But the fact is: “only 28% of businesses believe they are generating strategic value from the data they collect,” based on numbers from Business News Daily. Blame it on the CMOs. Well, that’s what C-suite’s have been doing, grading them only “C” in 2015, in terms of efficiency. (source: VisionEdge Marketing)

So, the pressure is on for CMOs to get good at data… very good and very fast!


Analystik’s Approach to Cross-Platform Application Development

The new cross-platform application development paradigm has confronted developers with a multi-OS and multi-device heteroclite environment (iOS, Android, PC, Web). And of course, everyone was looking for high-performance cross-platform multi-device deliverables!

Saying that the application development landscape has greatly evolved over the last few years would definitely be an understatement, be it mobile or back-end and front-end. And always the performance challenge remained central over time, both in terms of development (to develop the fastest possible at the lowest cost) and in terms of application performance.


Choosing An ERP

Choosing an ERP is always a difficult decision that has significant economic consequences. It needs research and proper evaluation because it influences your organization in many different ways. Long term commitment to a software and its vendor comes after this step. Implementation process lasts for such a long time and it takes huge amount of resources. Therefor you and your consultants need a clear understanding of your requirements and characteristics for a product. Here is a list of equally important though less considered items for evaluating and choosing an ERP product. (more…)

Windows 10 Application Development for enterprise – the vision

Here’s an overview of the impacts to come and the vision behind Windows 10 Application Development for enterprise.

The multiplatform vision behind Windows 10 is called, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), and it will have a great impact on Microsoft tools and software users but even more so, for Microsoft application developers.


Analystik is 30 years old today. I feel like telling a story; interested?

That’s right, Analystik celebrates its birthday today, that’s 30 years old… not bad, hey?

And still today, Analystik is perfectly aligned with its original mission, that is Custom Software Development but God knows how different we now go about it, in the execution…

When first starting we went from developing self-sustained and task-oriented Dos and Windows applications to Software Suites automating most or all critical business process of organizations to land today into Web and Mobile Web solutions communicating information in real time with systems within organizations.


The cost of Custom Software Development – 2nd Myth

Of course there were horror stories with the cost of custom software development before the New Millennium, and there will be others. But since the New Millennium though, the crown of horror stories often goes to Commercial Softwares under license like Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, etc., to which many large corporations and Governments have given humongous mandates (often outrageous purchase orders).

Evidently, the vast majority of commercial softwares’ exaggerated costs and deadline overruns come from integration and personalization; services normally de facto included within the cost of custom software development mandates but which we don’t always measure accurately the impact when buying a commercial software… since everybody else has purchased it, right!


The true nature of Custom Software Development – 1st Myth

The New Millennium has witnessed the splendid triumph of « best practices » and « quality control » concepts, in almost all fields of activities. And most of all, best pratices and quality control have come to define the true nature of Custom Software Development in particular and IT in general, Communications and Information Technologies, which have accelerated their broadcasting.

2000 à 2010 – reminder

  • Web democratization, as well as Web design and programming jobs
  • Communications, Sharing & Implementation of Best Practices
  • Democratization of « best practices » concept in custom software development


Who defines the concept of best practices, broadcast it and why?

Expert firms such as Gartner, Forrester, KPMG, Deloitte, etc., that counsel large corporations and assess the evolution of standards within different industries to take their pulse, which is quite useful for investors and shareholders as well as for managers. It helps decision-makers to weigh their enterprise against their industries and to get to know the necessary means to keep the pace with the competition.


Gulp & Visual Studio

Visual Studio is one of the most popular software to create application or website in .Net environment. This software supports Sass and Less but it doesn’t compile those two languages making them complicated and useless.

In the new version (Visual Studio 2015), Intellisense has not been fixed and still has difficulties to make links between Sass and Less file types.

Even so, the new version of Visual Studio offers some new features that help us with these problems.


How to use Gulp on Mac Windows & Linux

Gulp plugin is a task runner. For example, you can easily: transform your Sass (or Less) files in css files, minify them, using autoprefixer, join them in 1 files, check your JavaScript files with jsLint and much more. If you code a little bit it can be really useful. It is one of my favourite tools for my web site development and it is totally free. It might be a little frightening at the beginning but with some practice and courage, it is easier than it looks.


3 Web Development Best Practices to Safely Launch Your New Banking & Financial Services Application

We will discuss 3 Web Development Best Practices that can help you safely launch your new specialized banking & financial services application. We should have said three Web Development Best Practices of security since security is so crucial in the Banking and Finance sectors and it is the main topic of this post.

Do we really have to go back and review all the security threats and online hacks and attacks that happened over just the last 5 years or so… I hope not?

All financial institutions and banks have developed a strict policy for systematically securing their critical clientele web applications. But they should also apply such a targeted policy when developing web applications dedicated to their personnel by making development choices that will address today’s security requirements and adapt to help meet tomorrow’s challenges.  Therefore, they must carefully identify all web access to database and process involved in these web application projects and assess the level of risk presented by each type of online communications or user group; ideally, at the development stage.

Because security fixing costs 100 times more to correct once in production than in development. So, it would save a lot of pain and revenues to test-find security flaws at the latter stage.


Rapid Development of Financial & Banks Web Applications

A Gain vs. Risk analysis favors rapid development of financial & banks web applications mostly because it will shed some light on some potential design issues, which is no small matter if this happens when you’re already far down into the development process.

Whatever field of activity you’re in, if you’re thinking web applications, it clearly involves providing access in the field to both process and data to Clients and / or to the Sales Force.

And when it comes to Banking and Finance, security is of the utmost importance, of course, even more so if we’re talking mobile web deployment but one would be wise to go beyond the “personal data and hacking risk paradigm”, and assess accurately and globally the level of security needed around each of its applications and each type of data involved in your next web application development.

This exercise will benefit you by simplifying application design; thus, accelerating your web applications development.


The Productivity of Quebec enterprises – obstacles to originality

Managing growth while successfully controlling your expenses, retaining your critical resources and facing competition; and simultaneously increasing profit margin, of course, to please shareholders!  Well, it’s not an easy business to be a manager these days. And very few can boast being a visionary one!

One of the key factors of success is certainly productivity, or  the ability to  increase productivity!  And this, nowadays more than ever, goes through technology.


poignée de main

The true nature of the Sales Cycle

Let’s not forget that Mobility didn’t happen just yesterday; in fact, the sales process of the notorious Avon representative were, well… 100% mobile.

In short, we’re really Back to the Future nowadays, only now the nature of the Sales Process is executed in a different way; it’s entirely mobile or almost and mostly automated, stored, secured… and green!

Just to be clear, let’s reveal the true nature of the Sales Cycle of a typical Sales Force of today!



Real-Time Marketing for the Enterprise on-the-go

In today’s business reality, not only do we take for granted that the right information will be accessible anytime, anywhere but also that it will help us make more enlightened decisions instantaneously, on-the-go !

The ability to adjust our business offering in real-time, to make some real-time Marketing. It can constitute an undeniable competitive advantage.

Real-Time Marketing – first, a corporate vision
